Poster Presentation #1
Learning Engineering for the Professional Science Communicator
Related Works:
Peffer, M. E., Beckler, M. L., Schunn, C., Renken, M., & Revak, A. (2015). Science classroom inquiry (SCI) simulations: A novel method to scaffold science learning. PloS one, 10(3), e0120638. Link to full text
Peffer, M. E., & Kyle, K. (2017, March). Assessment of language in authentic science inquiry reveals putative differences in epistemology. In Proceedings of the seventh international learning analytics & knowledge conference (pp. 138-142). Link to full text
Peffer, M. E., & Ramezani, N. (2019). Assessing epistemological beliefs of experts and novices via practices in authentic science inquiry. International Journal of STEM Education, 6, 1-23. Link to full text
Peffer, M. E., Ramezani, N., Quigley, D., Royse, E., & Bruce, C. (2020). Learning analytics to assess beliefs about science: Evolution of expertise as seen through biological inquiry. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 19(3), ar47. Link to full text
Poster Presentation #2
Different Sub-Domains of Biology May Be Influencing Practices in Simulated Authentic Science Inquiry